Paleo Apple Cinnamon Pancakes

· These homemade, paleo apple cinnamon pancakes brings energizing protein to your morning and flavor takes you back to delightful nostalgia! ·

My favorite mornings are spent in the kitchen creating a meal my family will enjoy around the table and sustain our apetites for all our adventures to come.  Why I love it… If you have been to my blog before you probably know I am a sucker for breakfast food. I mean, who doesn’t? Right?…

I am coming out and I am proud!

· I am coming out and I am proud ·

unrecognizable woman standing on shore with rainbow

This one is for me, this one is for you. Another ally, another friend, a community to be proud of. I am coming out and I am proud! Warning: this post is honest, sensitive, and just all around raw. If you don’t think you can handle without judgement, leave.  let’s just jump right on in……

Sweet Potato Medallions

· Crispy Sweet Potato Toast Recipe ·

These sweet, crisp, and HEAVENLY sweet potato medallions are a sweet potato toast spinner-off. They are simple to make, budget friendly, and nutrient dense. The best part? I can get my toddlers to eat veggies for breakfast every morning! One of our favorite morning traditions is having sweet potato toast with our meal. Sweet potato…

Superfood Grain-Free Granola

Do you love granola? Me, too! Today, I’m sharing a simple granola recipe, which is versatile and easy to create. My Superfood Grain-Free Granola is packed with protein, nutrient-dense ingredients, and tastes amazing! This granola will kick-start your day and boost you with energy that lasts! This granola makes a delicious breakfast or even snack. Simply,…

Savings for Amazon Fresh: