My Postpartum Depression Journey

Aug, 26, 2020

Hey there, everyone! I have been so out of touch lately on my blog. First and foremost, I want to apologize for my lack of posting. Truth be told, I needed to take a mental health sabbatical.

Earlier this year I was diagnosed with postpartum depression. I want to share my postpartum depression journey because I truly believe it could help someone else someday. So, here is my story:

At the end of last year, I felt pretty down and then it escalated so quickly into passive death wishes to suicidal plans in my head. It was freaking SCARY! On December 31st I called my doctor in tears to ask for help and they suggested to get to an emergency room. So I had JT (my husband) drive me to the ER. I was kept in Psychiatry for severe postpartum depression for a full week. It was by far the hardest week of my life! JT and the kids came to visit me everyday but being away from them for so long was painful. However, being there sped up the process for me to heal. I was able to be monitored 24/7 which meant not only was I safe but I also was able to go on a significant dose of antidepressant in a short amount of time.

We made it over the tip of the iceberg! ❤️

I still have a lot of healing to do. I have received and am still getting many hours in with a therapist. We also made life-long plans like moving back to our hometown in St. Louis to have the support of nearby family and lifelong friends for my postpartum depression journey.

First, I want to put this out there to break the stigma. If more people talk about this, the more it is normalized and the easier it will be for the next person to get the help they need. 1 in 7 mothers have postpartum depression in the fist year after having their baby. (It’s also not something that just happens in the first few weeks.) So check on your new mom friends and family out there, make sure she is okay! Moms, it’s okay to not be okay. Get the help you need so you can be there to love your family tomorrow. You’ve got this!

Secondly, I am implementing a couple changes to my blog. I am definitely going to keep posting my yummy recipes! Like my classic Cream of Mushroom Chicken! In fact, I have kept a list on my phone of all my favorite creations I have been playing with this year that I want to share with you! (SO STAY TUNED!) However, I will add on a “health” portion to my blog. The health category will gloss over everything from mental health, to exercise, mindfulness, and healthy parenting.

Finally, I have a very important video for you to watch that were the signs for me during my postpartum depression that may help you or someone you know:

Thank you to everyone who has been there for me through this. First off, JT, I wouldn’t be alive today if it weren’t for your love and support. I love you with everything I have. You and the kids are my sunshine. ☀️ Also, shoutout to my mom, who flew out here for a week and a half to come and help me. You were exactly what I needed. I love you! And to all our friends who have prayed, brought us food, watched our kids, cleaned our house (after JT was home by himself—you know who you are!), sent us gift-cards, sweet texts, phone calls, cards, and donations to our Go Fund Me we are overwhelmed by your love! THANK YOU! I needed the help more than I realized!

I am even touched by YOU. To all my readers who have come back to visit my blog all this time from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU! It is beyond encouraging to look at the stats and see that so many of you are still here for the recipes and are using them in your journey. I’m proud to be here for you. So let’s get back it the kitchen and cook together!

With much love, Amy

August 27, 2020


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