Laundry Soap

Jan, 27, 2019

I have a little home hack that I’m going to be sharing with you guys today!

One thing I do to save our home lots of money is making our own cleaners. Not only is it incredibly cheaper but I know what is being put in it so it’s great for our health and environment!

This laundry soap costs 5¢ a load! 🙌🏼🙌🏼 You seriously cannot beat that price!

This is incredibly easy to make, it gets the job done and it’s a wonderful hack for saving money and making sure you’re using clean ingredients in all aspects of your life!

I use Dr. Bronners Castile soap. You save the most money the bigger bottle you buy, so if you can afford to put out the money—go big! It will save you money in the long run. I also use baking soda. Again, I purchase the biggest box I can find and use that. Baking soda is so CHEAP you really can’t go wrong buying a big box.

Okay so for your container. Before we made the switch to making our own laundry detergent we were using All free and clear. So I am currently still using that same old All bottle to hold our new detergent. The size of the bottle is 40 oz so if you have an old bottle laying around and it’s close in size it will totally work!

When it’s your first time making laundry soap you’re going to need to rinse out the old container in hot water to get all the old detergent out. It’s kind of amazing how much gets left in there so this process could take about 5 minuets.

Once you’re container is empty and ready it’s time to make the soap! I learned that at the bottom of the cap where the rim that screws into the bottle ends measures to be 1/4 of a cup. So I just use my cap to measure out the ingredients. First, I measure out 1/4 of a cup or one cap of baking soda a dump it into the bottle. Sometimes, it helps to use hot water to get all of it out at the end. Then I measure out 1/2 cup or two caps of Castile soap and pour it in the container. For the third step I fill the container with hot water until it reaches the top of the bottle. I use my cap still to pour in the hot water. Not only can I make sure I get out all the soap in the cap but bubbles form pretty quickly in the bottle and this helps buy not having too many bubbles and having to wait for them to condense for you to finish pouring the water.

Have fun with the scents as well! Dr. Bronners has an awesome line with all different kinds of aromas. Side note: Dr. Bronners Castile soap is fair trade, the scents come from essential oils and is incredibly good for your skin and heal so give this stuff a try! Again, it’s easy and CHEAP —just $2.08 for one whole container so you have nothing to loose!


January 29, 2019


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