Easy, From-Scratch Meatballs and Sauce

Jan, 26, 2018

It’s been one of those special times here at our home. Little Oakley took her very first step! Whoop! And by step I mean step. Lol. She hasn’t been able to get the balance {or maybe confidence} to take a step with both feet before she decides to reach for the floor and crawl to her destination. We’ve been spending lots of time encouraging her—even Boston! Boston doesn’t always understand the concept and will utilize his size for his advantage, grab her and drag her along. Ha. {We’re working on it.}


Well tonight while waiting for the kid portions to cool off in the fridge—I attempt to capture a picture of the final result for you guys. Boston always loves this part. I’m sure he’s curious about this part but he also likes to help me stage. Like last week he helped me put the
pomegranate seeds down all pretty around the muffins. But today he decided helping me looked like driving his toy train straight into the meatballs. {insert eye roll} ha. It’s funny really—thank goodness we made a lot!

Well, enough stories. Here is my recipe for my honest-to-goodness best meatballs EVER!


These meatballs are so savory and paired with this homemade sauce, it will send you over the moon! We tend to make extras and this dish freezes and re-heats really well! #Bonus

For the Recipe:

2 lbs ground beef
4 garlic cloves, minced
1/4 cup chopped, fresh basil
1/4 cup chopped, fresh parsley
1 tbsp dried oregano
1 tsp black pepper
1/4 tsp salt
1 egg

– Mix ingredients together until combined. (I like to use a meat masher.)

– Roll meatballs into 2-3 inch balls and place on sheet pan covered in parchment paper as you go. Usually I get about 13-14.
-Bake at 400° for 20 minuets.


Marinara Sauce:
2 tbsp of olive oil
4 cloves of garlic
1 bay leaf
1 tsp black pepper
1 tbsp dried oregano
1/2 cup chopped, fresh parsley
1/4 cup chopped, fresh basil
1/8 cup honey
2 15oz can tomato sauce
2 cans of diced tomatoes
1 can of tomato paste

Pour in olive oil to large sauce pot and sauté onion on medium-high heat until it turns golden brown. Add in minced garlic and stir for about one more minute.
Add in remaining ingredients, stir.
Cover and cook on high for 15 minuets.

Remove bay leaf. Serve meatballs with sauce. We enjoy also adding in spaghetti squash to make this dish extra hardy and of course, get in more servings of veggies!



January 21, 2018


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