Southwest Stuffed Peppers
Servings Prep Time
12stuffed peppers 15minuets
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
12stuffed peppers 15minuets
Cook Time
  1. In a large skillet melt coconut oil then on medium heat start sauteing onion.
  2. While the onion is starting to cook, peel and dice sweet potato.
  3. Add sweet potato to pan stirring occasionally. The sweet potato can easily start sticking to the pan so keep your eyes on it and add more coconut oil of need be. Add chopped garlic to the pan. Give a good stir.
  4. Add chopped garlic to the pan. Give a good stir.
  5. Once the sweet potato begins to brown add in the ground beef and taco seasoning, continue to stir.
  6. While the ground beef in heating up cut your bell peppers in half and remove the insides. Lay them flat on a parchment lined sheet pan.
  7. Once the ground beef is almost done cooking add in the parsley and arugula. Take the pan off the heat. The parsley and arugula will wilt down as well as the ground beef to finish heating through in the oven so there is no need to continue cooking over the stove.
  8. Spoon in the filling into the peppers.
  9. Place in a 375 degree oven on the bottom rack and cook for 20 minuets.
  10. Serve warm. Enjoy!