Chicken Bone Broth
Tasty, healing, simple, bone broth.
Prep Time
Cook Time
Prep Time
Cook Time
  1. Roughly chop all the veggies. You can really leave them in large pieces because the flavor will come out of them during the cooking process.
  2. Add all ingredients to a large pot.
  3. Fill pot with water until it completes covers all the veggies.
  4. Bring the pot to a boil, once it reaches a boil, take off the lid and turn it down to a simmer and allow it to simmer for 2 hours.
  5. Take out chicken, set aside to cool before cutting.
  6. Strain the veggies and herbs through a strainer. With a large bowl underneath to catch all the broth.
  7. Strain the veggies through a strainer. Use the broth immediately or place in an airtight container once it has cooled. Freeze for up to 6 months.